21 thoughts on “Comedian Websites: 10 Lessons For You From Popular Comics’ Websites

  1. jason says:

    I’m actually not a fan of TJ Miller’s website AT ALL. As a web designer, the “mystery navigation” is annoying and all kinds of a turnoff. I want to know where I’m going without having to click on it to find out. Navigation on your site should always be easy to figure out, since you can’t count on all your fans being into quirky interfaces.

  2. Josh Spector says:

    Yeah, there’s a lot wrong with the design and I certainly wouldn’t recommend it for most people. I was really only using his links page as an example of a fun page as opposed endorsing the overall site design.

  3. Same here, Jason. I agree. But it’s something I’d actually expect out of T.J. Miller. He’s the type of comic who’d *want* the site to be an easter egg hunt.

  4. Nick says:

    Having a flash site is the bigger issue… iOS users see an unintentional minimalist design.

  5. Valerie says:

    Another excellent and helpful article! Thanks Josh!

  6. Mark says:

    I’m pretty happy with my comedy website. I built it all myself, for free, with WordPress. It’s pretty nuts and bolts, but I’ve made it my own. For example, an “About” section that, in a very roundabout way, tells you absolutely nothing about me, etc.

  7. vince pitts says:

    Check out Jim Carrey’s site out it’s very interesting.

  8. Johnnie Flowers says:

    Hi Josh, any Suggestions on finding someone to make me a Website ..
    Also what’s a General Ideal of The Cost Involved?
    Thank You .. JF

  9. Josh Spector says:

    It all depends what you’re looking for and how much expertise you may or may not have. If you’re a little computer savvy, you can look at using WordPress and choosing one of the many free (or cheap) templates they have.

    I certainly wouldn’t recommend spending a ton of money on getting a site built/designed because it’s usually not necessary.

    You might want to talk to Jordan Cooper who does some web design and co-hosts the Connected Comedy podcast with me. Check him out at http://blenderhead.me

  10. Thanks for the recommendation, Josh.

    Since I am one myself and know the the financial hardships of doing comedy, I also have an undisclosed “comedians” rate for website design which is typically about half I normally charge for work, depending on how full my plate is at the time with my small business client work.

  11. Jonny says:

    Hey Josh,
    Firstly I am goo-goo-gaa-gaa about your webstie and the resources, thanks for doing this! I was wondering if I could run a question by you.

    Question: I already have a website for a two man group i am apart of. I want to create a personal website too and I am willing to pour some time and energy into it (I do mostly improv, sketch, writting, and videos). Do you feel it is better to have a Domanin which is simply my name or a unique domanin like “Nerdist?”

    Seriously thanks so much for doing what you do!
    Your great

  12. The only considerations you should give towards picking a domain name:

    1. Should be able to be spelt without explanation when told verbally to others.
    2. Should be self-explanatory so people can understand the point of the site.
    3. The consideration of a potential site pivot.

    On the last one, it would have been harder for Chris Hardwick to establish a platform if he built everything at chrishardwick.com instead of nerdist.com. On the other hand, if he wanted to pivot from being “nerd” based to something else, he wouldn’t really be able to do that with nerdist.com, while chrishardwick.com (or insert anyone’s name) could be about *anything* that he specifically is doing, regardless of the subject matter.

    No matter what, in my opinion, you should try to own your own name as a domain. Even if you’ve got nothing there, or forward it to another site, you still have that in backup reserve if you ever want to use it.

  13. Jonny says:

    Jordan, thanks for the thoughtful feed back on this. All of that makes perfect sense! I really appreciate it!

  14. Chris TOpher says:

    What do you guys think about this South Florida Comedy Website? It’s a simple blog and not supposed to look gorgeous.

    But it shows where the funny is in South Florida and updates weekly with reviews and tells you weekly what special comedy things will happen. Check it out FunnySouthFlorida.com

  15. Chris TOpher says:

    Also, FunnySouthFLorida.com has interviews with big comedians and asks those comedians questions that speak to the younger coming up sort of comedy community. Here’s one with Jim Jeffereies https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9FC695DE4121AEBA&feature=mh_lolz

  16. James Curtis says:

    I really like the website zachsmithcomedy.com

  17. Father Paul says:

    I have been using a free website at this point. Its simple and easy to use & It generates a bit of traffic. I am however thinking about upgrading.

  18. Dick Satori says:

    My company WebsitesOfComedy.com designed this site for LA based comic John Clark. It was a pleasure working with him. A little plug for my company and not to comics: I build website with in your budget (as long as you have a budget) I also can work out partial to full work trade to comedy writers as my company is involved in serval projects which need punch up and joke writing. Please contact info@Dick-Jokes.com if interested. Sites also come with content management system so you can update sites your self without paying a webmaster anytime you need to update anything. Also, sites come with search engine optimization so bookers and fans can find you. Thanks for the great article and thanks for your consideration.

  19. Dick Satori says:

    sorry, should say “note to comics”

    and will it refer to website of mention: http://JohnClarkComedy.com?


  20. Todd Rice says:

    Makes a lot of sense and there’s really good info here.

    The goals in general are to have a simple website that’s easily readable by the engines.

    The question: Are you trying to get random people to find you, or for people who know you to find you, or for bookers to find you?

    Identify that, then you can key the website for yourself much better.

    The sad part is that mine is geared more for corporate and I’m going to have to revise: http://www.toddrice.com

    Anyway, thank for the posts.

    Todd Rice
    THEY improv

  21. chris says:

    I’m curious if anyone has a specific WordPress theme that lends itself to a comedian page..

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