9 thoughts on “The Secret To Successful Promotion Is These Three Words

  1. Eal Musick says:

    Great stuff as always. Thank you.

  2. lemon luv says:

    Good evening. I just wanted to know what’s more important in a 3 year comedy career exposure money or both and how to market myself in new york I’m a Cleveland native just arrived too ny. Thank you for your advice in advance!!!!

  3. Josh Spector says:

    It all depends on what your goals are ultimately – it’s different for everybody.

  4. Romeo says:

    Hey, Lemon luv, im a Cleveland (Ohio) native as well, in NYC for comedy. Just thought you should know that, haha! Hope we run into each other on our journey!

  5. Jerry Diner says:

    I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the advice in this particular blog. It was superb!!!! I have been noticing how people talk to me now…. and you are so right…. it is the true story that is compelling, draws you in and makes you want to do whatever.
    It’s so simple… yet a new way of thinking.
    I can’t thank you enough.
    Jerry Diner

  6. Alicia says:

    Thanks, Josh. Having moved from standup into something more like standup storytelling, this makes a lot of sense.

  7. jacob says:

    Great read always!

  8. doobie weed says:

    My name is Debbie, but my friends call me doobie, if I had a son I would have called him Bud (LOL), back to my story. I go to this bar on a regular basis and do Karaoke, but I’m always telling everyone that I am funny(because I am, LOL). A gal that runs the events there called me one day and asked if I would do comedy there on a Sunday evening, I said sure, thinking they were going to do an open mic night. A little while later she called me back and asked if they could pay me, again I said sure! The show was set for 12/1/13. I went in Friday the week before the show and was told by a few of the regulars that I was in the news letter. I had someone read it to me because I forgot my eyeglasses(“LOL do to the last name, LOL again) and it read, and I quote, “COMEDY NIGHT: Sunday, Dec 1st From 6pm to 9pm special guest “Debbie Weed”, Come and join us and have lots of laugh’s and fun! I said OMG 6-9, I don’t think Richard Pryor or any other comedian does three hours! OMG again. But you know what, I rocked the house! hope to see you all soon in the big lights. I always say ” you can’t get rid of me, I just keep popping up” LOL

  9. doobie weed says:

    Oh, I forgot to say that they asked me if I would do comedy once a month there and be there headliner. AWESOME!

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