On the “we’re not dead” episode of the podcast, Jordan Cooper and Josh Spector talk about the importance of a mobile-optimized website, how expected traffic sources influence the way you should design your website, creating ways to measure performance and results so you can improve what you are doing, and understanding the audience you should target for a specific piece of content (it’s not “comedy fans”).
In addition, Jordan shares what he’s learned the past year doing three different weekly podcasts, developing content as a proof of concept for something bigger, and we answer listener-submitted questions on reaching college markets without NACA, press releases & getting coverage for yourself and the prospects of “making it” just doing live stand-up performances.
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Links from this episode:
Google Analytics – Web Analytics & Reporting
Internet Outrage Machine – 5by5
Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator
Comedian asks: ‘Do you want to laugh at the crippled girl?’
What I Learned From The Book Contagious: Why Things Catch On