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On the “blasphemous” episode of the podcast, Jordan Cooper, Chelcie Rice and Josh Homer welcome Andrew Hall on the show to discuss his comedic blogging endeavors at Laughing In Purgatory, how to become a prolific content creator online, striving towards having an excellent work ethic, setting realistic long-term expectations and continually generating traffic to your website.
In addition, we talk about the importance building relationships with other bloggers, using your website as a networking tool and being clear about who you are and what you do. Plus we highlight how your content must come from a genuine source, avoiding playing to the back of the room and why there’s nothing worse than a mediocre comedy podcast.
Links from this episode:
Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule) [Wikipedia]
The Atheist Pig
Mississippi Passes Anti-Richard Dawkins Legislation [Laughing In Purgatory]
Mr. Panos (Yannis Pappas) Video Blog [YouTube]
Sandpaper Suit
The Comic’s Comic
Stewie To The Rescue
J-L Cauvin
Outliers (the 10,000 Hours Rule) by Malcom Gladwell [Wikipedia]
A Field Guide To Hecklers [Chicago Tribune]
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