9 thoughts on “5 Things You Can Do To Appeal To Comedy Bookers

  1. I have personally volunteered a couple of times to help brokers, with web design and putting up flyers. I even helped a guy get a bigger venue because us kept having to turn people away. He gave me a spot and I made sure I brought my best set, energy and ay least 15 people with me. I now have a spot whenever I want. Under promise and over deliver plus the law of reciprocity.

  2. Angella Sweatt says:

    Thank YOU! that was excellent advice. Just one comment ( *I know I don’t have control)
    But had several church members come to my show and because of other comedians material they left. And so I lost a good fan base. Any suggestions?

  3. Josh Spector says:

    Hey Angella, not much you can do about that unfortunately. But, one thing you can do is reach out to them, apologize for the confusion, and invite them out to another show where you think you’ll be more likely to enjoy the comedians better.

    Or, even better, offer to bring a show to their church with other comics who you know they’ll like. Maybe you can turn it into your own gig.

  4. Great points! I’d add that for local bookings get more involved in the local comedy scene. Go see people’s shows both other comedians and bookers (many times also comedians themselves). They always appreciate the support and reciprocity goes a long way. 🙂

  5. Josh Spector says:

    Yeah, that’s a good point. These really are communities in most cities, and the more you become a part of your comedy community, the more likely you are to get booked.

  6. Ryan Mast says:

    One thing that some one told me a while ago that i agree with is to give bookers their space and try to approach them through the correct channels, be it an email or a phone call first. A lot of comics think it’s ok to force themselves in the face of Booker with a “watch me” attitude, I’ve even seen some interrupt a Booker trying to watch a show case to introduce themselves, not only rude but that is hurting the chances of that comic he was trying to see.

  7. "TheBlueNun" says:

    I know from personnel experice helping a booker is a great learning tool. Learning all aspects of the entrainment industry not only does help you comperhand the business, but it give you a better understanding & value of your material. Thank You, for the information on bookings. I found it very in-sightful, useful, & a excellant learning tool.
    Thank you again,
    “TheBlueNuN” Mn.

  8. scott erick says:

    I agree a ton w/ this, and I have a lot of advice on how to produce a show…that’s a topic to write a piece on (or, have me guest write it from the perspective of a comic, b/c you might see things differently based upon your industry experience vs some of us up and comers…

  9. Good points, Josh. Nicely done.

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